II Festival inal. de performance I poesia d’acció.
The performer strikes a match after each of these actions, he looks, touches, smells, tastes and puts the ear to the floor.
Then he lights a slide projector. A huge image of river rolling stones is projected on the corner. Below this image there are some real stones placed on the floor.
The performer tries to keep his balance standing on the stones, taking a white stone and a black one, bangs them twice.
Then he does the same with two black stones and two white ones.
Turning his back the performer bangs real stones against the image of the projected stones.
The performer moves away from the corner and takes a mop that he plunges into a bucket filled with water, then pulling out the mop he drops the water in the bucket, until the last drop.
With the wet mop he draws random paths of water reflecting the projected stones. The performer walks silently on the paths, carrying the bucket. He repeats this action five times until he gets to the slide projector that he switches of.
Black out.
Then seconds later the audience receives a flash from a Polaroid camera shot by the performer.
General light.