Muzami Pod.
Muzami Pod.
The performer distributes lottery numbers to each person in the audience.
An attendant at a table announces: "the game has begun ... we ask the holders of the graceful numbers to stand between the performer and his shadow."
The performer has placed on the floor a slide projector that illuminates him creating a huge shadow on one of the walls.
A large staircase near the shadow serves another attendant to reach to measure it like a tailor, voicing the resulting numbers. While the winners are placed in order of height: from less to more.
The assistant descends from the stairs and offers a black suit and a worker's helmet to the performer with which he dresses.
The performer takes a shovel and a table with five glasses on it. Place the shovel on a large plastic on the floor in front of the row of spectators, on the shovel the table and above him trying to stay in balance. He takes a glass over his eye. The glass is broken. Repeat this action on the nose, tongue, ear and hand.
The performer come out from the table, doing a packet with the plastic sheet. It inserts the tips of the plastic in its mouth, creating a package with the pieces of glass, shaking them creates a changing sound.
He leaves them on a table that approaches the central area, illuminated with the projector. Analyzing and classifying each piece.
Now the performer tries to reconstruct the shape of the glass, when he gets it he shows it to the audience with his arm raised.
Suddenly the light goes out and the attendant throws in the opposite direction the water of a glass; Illuminating the fall with a flash
The performer turns on the projector again but this time with a slide with two lines of light on the floor.
Barefoot, he begins to walk on the lines, after a few steps he puts the socks, after others, the shoes. He jumps, turning his back, twice a few meters before the end is thrown to the ground.
Duration: Twenty-five minutes